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the patented double internal octagon

Supported by over 8 years of scientific literature and clinical success in all surgical conditions, the Global implant redefines the concept of root form morphology:

The body of the implants has a first cylindrical section useful for stabilising the implant in the most cortical zone, and a progressively tapered apex that adapts perfectly to the morphology of the bone crests.

This feature makes it suitably for many clinical situations:
- Standard operating procedures involving the double or single surgical phase
- Immediate loading
- Post-extraction situations
- Maxillary sinus lift and mini maxillary sinus lift techniques

DOCTA connection

The two overlapping octagonal wells separately perform the functions of  in the surgical phase and repositioning of the prosthesis, preventing the torsional forces applied when inserting the fixture from compromising the precision of the implant-prosthetic connection.

Multifunctional mounter

Besides acting as a carrier for positioning the implant in the mouth, the mounter is shaped in such a way as to the allow the fitting of a special cap for gripping the implant and creating a temporary post.

Switching platform

The dimensions of the double octagon connection are shared by all the diameters contemplated in the range, making it possible to apply Switching Platform protocols with different mismatching.

The head of the 1.8 mm diameter screw goes deep into the well, guaranteeing a stable anchorage of the prosthesis and allowing the prosthodontist countless cutting possibilities to adapt the posts to the various clinical requirements.

This deep positioning of the screw prevents it working loose, as the head is aligned with the centre of gravity of the forces.

The prosthesis with a passing screw makes full use of the 3.5 mm connection length, working at multiple levels for an optimum distribution of the axial and non axial masticatory forces.

The numerous studies on surfaces carried out by Sweden & Martina have led to the development of the ZirTi surface, a substrate of the latest generation obtained with subtraction techniques by  sand-blasting with zirconium oxide and acid etching with mineral acids.
Besides increasing the bone-implant contact surface, it has been demonstrated that the ZirTi surface favours cell proliferation and differentiation during processes of neo-osteogenesis and stimulates angiogenesis at a distance.

The instruments are arranged according to a guided procedure, and the sequences of use are indicated by coloured marks that follow the same colour codes used for identifying the discs that hold the implants in the vials and for prosthetic components, making the surgical procedure absolutely simple and without any possibility of confusion for either the dentist or his assistant.

The surgical kits are supplied with the templates for the graphic representation of the implant measurements both with real dimensions and with dimensions increased by 20% and 30%, to allow choosing the most suitable implant diameters and lengths by means of radiographic or tomographic analyses. A practical and functional surgical ratchet is also included that acts as a dynamometric key for checking the tightening torque from 10 Ncm to 70 Ncm  and can therefore be used both for inserting implants and for prosthesis operations.

Pubblicazioni scientifiche correlate

Lombardo L., Martini M., Cervinara F., Spedicato G.A., Oliverio T., Siciliani G.

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Lombardo L., Arreghini A., Maccarrone R., Bianchi A., Scalia S., Siciliani G.

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Angle Orthod. 2016 Jun 17


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