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Drill and stop system for maxillary sinus lift

The M.I.S.E. EVO kit is a system of drills and stops which allows non traumatic and gradual lifting of the maxillary sinus to a height of 5-10 mm above the initial situation, with a simple, rapid and safe technique, sufficiently standardised to allow a very high percentage of success.
With respect to other techniques that allow the insertion of only one implant diameter, the M.I.S.E. EVO kit can be used to insert threaded and non threaded cylindrical implants, where the size of the implant body corresponds to the diameter of the working part of the rotating instruments.

The enormous advantage compared with traditional techniques using osteotomes lies in the use of depth stops, which allow a gradual and perfectly predictable lift (progressing 1 mm at a time) of the Schneider membrane, preserving it intact and minimising patient discomfort, especially in terms of the benign paroxysmal vertigo syndrome which is induced by the percussions of the surgical hammer.

This technique also allows avoiding the opening of the side antrum, the protocol of which is certainly more invasive and traumatic for the periosteal complex of the zone involved.
Fitting/removing the stops is extremely quick and easy and is done directly from the tip of the drill without having to remove it from the right angle. The side tabs of the stops ensure perfect safe anchoring both to the drill and to manual compactors.
The drills, the real heart of the system, present a tip design specifically studied for the various phases of the M.I.S.E. protocol:
  • the first, classical cylindrical drills, are used to create the preliminary hole;
  • the Chamfered drill, with a flat tip, is able to deform the sinus floor and break it if it is sufficiently thin;
  • the Break up drill, as its name suggests, is ideal for breaking the sinus floor if it is thick or very rigid;
  • the three rounded drills, with a round non-cutting tip, permit the implant site to be bored and brought gradually to larger diameters to allow the insertion of fixtures up to 5.00mm. For this reason they can be recognised thanks to coloured rings at the base of the shank, which follow a precise colour code for guiding the sequence of use.

The two manual instruments included in the kit have a total of 3 plugger tips with different diameters, characterised by a particular cavity that enables them to push the filling material under the Schneider membrane without compacting it excessively, so that it can expand homogeneously. The other tip is a depth gauge, fundamental for the passages of the use protocol contemplated by the system. The angle of the handpieces is decidedly ergonomic, especially in complicated clinical situations.

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