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For implant prosthetic rehabilitation to be safe, long-lasting and good-looking, it is not sufficient for the surgical phase to be carried out in an irreproachable manner with quality implants. The patient will judge the overall result according to the appearance and functionality of the prosthesis. 

For this reason Sweden & Martina has developed a range of cutting-edge prosthetic solutions to allow the dentist to achieve excellence with maximum simplicity.

In implant-prosthetic rehabilitations, soft tissues play a very important role in maintaining bone levels. In particular, connective tissue has many functions, including defence, nutrition, support and the maintenance of aesthetic volumes. It is therefore important for the prosthetic components in direct contact with soft tissues to be devised and designed to permit these functions to be performed in the best possible way.
The XA range of prostheses has been developed precisely to satisfy this need, and the microgrooves present at the base of XA abutments promotes the attachment of connective fibres, creating a housing effect that protects the surrounding biological structures and maintains tissue stability over time.

The abutment Locators are a versatile prosthetic solution for attaching overdentures to dental implants easily and safely. The Locator system allows easily correcting misalignment of divergent implants by up to 40° (20° for each implant) in limited occlusal spaces and, given the limited amount of space occupied, is perfect for patients with removable prosthesis. The self-guiding design of the Locator Abutment head allows easy insertion and removal of the prosthesis by the patient every day. The self-alignment of the prosthesis reduces deterioration of the pieces and increases the life of the device. The Locator system also contemplates the combined use of a small metal cap, which remains permanently incorporated in the overdenture, and of replaceable nylon retainers that make maintenance very simple.

NEW! Next to the traditional Locator system, it has been developed the new Locator R-Tx line: this abutment allows to correct up to a maximum of 60° of disparallelism between the implants and present the DuraTec™ Titanium Carbon Nitride Coating, harder and highly wear resistant. The new abutment is supplied in a “All-in-One” vial, which contains also the processing components and the denture attachment housing.

Transgingival healing screws, designed with a guiding cylinder that facilitates their insertion in the well, are available in different heights and with a straight or angled emergence profile. Each item has laser markings indicating the diameter and height, so that they are immediately recognisable.

For the impression and model phase, transfers are available for the traditional open and closed tray techniques, as well as the practical Pull-up transfers, made entirely of  radiopaque PEEK, which thanks to their retentive tabs allow an impression to be taken rapidly without using screws.

The SIMPLE prosthetic line offers practical and simple solutions for making temporary posts, which can be used in the conventional way after the bone healing period, or immediately after surgical insertion of the implants, if conditions exist for immediate loading. They can also be used as an alternative to the traditional transgingival healing screws for reconditioning the soft tissues, depending on the prosthetic protocol that is adopted. The repositionable and non repositionable versions allow both single and multiple prostheses to be managed with ease. The Simple post with base in titanium and body in PEEK, an extremely resistant and biocompatible polymer,  easy to drill even in the dentist’s chair, is the ideal solution to support cement-retained single crowns.

Premade posts, available in many straight and angled versions, for direct screw fixing or with a passing screw, in different transgingival heights and with a straight or angled emergence profile, are subjected to a controlled passivation process that changes their surface colour.  The result is a characteristic golden pale yellow colour. This colour is obtained through an oxidation process and, therefore, there is no type of coating, which allows combining the advantages of a highly biocompatible surface with prosthetic reconstructions that are very aesthetically pleasing.

Alongside millable posts, able to solve complex anatomical situations in terms of both narrow spaces and disparallel implants, there are two lines of millable posts designed for specific techniques: millable posts for the interceptive Technique, which have an emergence profile that simplifies  impression taking with closed tray technique and two wide faces that guarantee unequivocal repositioning, and SIMPLE millable posts that have a very wide emergence profile, adaptable to any anatomy obtained with SIMPLE temporary posts in the immediate conditioning phase.

For castings, both entirely castable solutions are available and castable posts for overcasting with an alloy base, highly biocompatible and with high resistance to corrosion.

Intermediate abutments come both in a PLAIN version, suitable for ensuring flat-to-flat support, and in the classic version, with a straight emergence profile and a small upper cone with a height of 0.70 mm, the same for all the connection diameters, which allows easy insertion and removal of the over-structures, even in case of slight disparallelism.

for Disparallel Screw Retained Prosthesis

P.A.D.r abutments are simple to insert, they are short, narrow and with reduced size, particularly suitable in rehabilitation of the partially or totally edentulous arches and in situations of reduced horizontal and vertical spaces.
The new P.A.D.r prosthetic components studied by Sweden & Martina don’t replace but coexist with the existing systematic composed by the P.A.D.  abutments.
The P.A.D.r abutment offers to clinician maximum freedom and ergonomics of the over-structure.
The P.A.D.r components are anodized in pink, to make these solutions more mimetic and acceptable by the patient.
The new P.A.D.r abutments are available straight and angled at 17° and at 30°.
At disposal for the clinicians, are also available prosthetic components dedicated to the over-structure production.
Exclusively for the new P.A.D.r abutments there are specific T-Connect with the possibility to have parallel screw or angled screw hole.

Conico system allows to obtain a fixed restoration on implant without the use of cement or fixation screws between the post and the prosthesis, and at the same time easily removable by the clinician.
The conometric prosthesis is to be considered a fixed prosthesis, like screw retained and cemented solutions and combines the advantages of both: revision and absence of cement of the screw-retained prosthesis and aesthetics and absence of holes in the occlusal area of the cemented prosthesis. Moreover, the ease of removal allows a correct maintenance of the health of the peri-implant tissues, with a considerable saving of time and costs for both the patient and the technician.

To anchor the overdenture to the implants, ball attachments are also available with respective male potions in Teflon, titanium, or with O-rings, and a wide range of accessories for making bars.


Direct Prosthetic Framework

Direct Prosthetic Framework

Maxillary full arch on Premium implants and DPF tecnique on P.A.D. abutments

Maxillary full arch on Premium implants and DPF tecnique on P.A.D. abutments

Use of 3.0 Dynamic Abutment

Use of 3.0 Dynamic Abutment

Direct Prosthetic Framework

Direct Prosthetic Framework

Maxillary full arch on Premium implants and DPF tecnique on P.A.D. abutments

Maxillary full arch on Premium implants and DPF tecnique on P.A.D. abutments

Use of 3.0 Dynamic Abutment

Use of 3.0 Dynamic Abutment

D.P.F. - прямой ортопедический каркас

D.P.F. - прямой ортопедический каркас

Весь ряд с технологией DPF на PAD и имплантатами Premium

Весь ряд с технологией DPF на PAD и имплантатами Premium

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