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The kits of the Echoplan PRO line, include all the instruments required to carry out guided surgery and have been designed to offer user friendliness and immediacy as regards the sequence in which the series of instruments are used. The kit contains mucotomes, bone profilers and all the drills of different lengths and diameters. Depth stops must not be coupled to the drills of the Echoplan PRO kits since they comprise a vertical stop plane which is already integrated in the drill's morphology: the result is an optimization of surgical times, as well as a risk-free preparation of the site.
All the rotating instruments are guided inside the surgical template thanks to the presence of the guide sleeves, available in different sizes and incorporated within the surgical guide itself. The sleeves guarantee the maintenance of the work axis programmed with the planning software and the stop at 9.00 mm, a compulsory distance that has to be kept between the level at which the instruments touch the sleeve and the connection plane.
Surgery is simplified even more by the availability of the Mounter Organizer, an empty tray that allows the clinician to organize the mounters required for each surgery. The tray also includes places for the implant holding vials that facilitate the assembly of the specific implant mounter dedicated to guided surgery.
Ponzi A.
Numeri Uno, 2013;16:12-13
L’implantologia guidata rappresenta una nuova modalità di esecuzione dell’intervento chirurgico basato sulla...
Sisti A., Mottola M., Mottola P.
Numeri Uno, 2013; 16:16-18
Paziente: C.D.
Età: 31 anni
Sesso: femminile
Fumatrice: < 10
Anamnesi negativa per patologie o...
Canullo L., Cicchese P., Marinotti F.
Il dentista moderno, 2012; Marzo: 86-102
Il carico immediato trova la sua ragion d’essere nell’assenza dei micromovimenti a carico dell’impianto. Lo stato...
Canullo L., Cicchese P., Marinotti F.
Numeri Uno, 2013; 16, 14-15
Nel maggio 2011, un paziente di anni 69 si è presentato nello studio per un dolore generalizzato alla bocca e per poter valutare la...