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Sweden & Martina offers the opportunity to promptly get an update on the international scientific studies on its implant systems and on the Mtwo root canal system with the volumes SCIENTIFICA, where you can find the abstracts of all publications in the most relevant international papers specialized in implantology. Please fill in the form to get one volume free of charge. For your convenience papers are classified based on their subjects (see complete list on the left column); by clicking on each title, you can see a short summary of the study.
Request for materialCanullo L., Rossetti P.H., Peñarrocha D.
Scientifica implantology - PERI-IMPLANTITIS
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2015 May-Jun;30(3):583-7. Doi: 10.11607/jomi.3946.
This study on specific antibiotic-resistant pathogens in a peri-implant environment proposes to regularly remove the prosthesis and...
Canullo L., Radavanovi S., Delibasic B., Blaya J.A., Peñarrocha D., Rakic M.
Scientifica implantology - PERI-IMPLANTITIS
Clinical Oral Implant Research, 00,2016;1-9, doi: 10.1111/clr.12828, early view on line, accepted 27 February 2016
Having analyzed 47 patients who were users of various commercial implants allocated to a Control Group (healthy) or a Test Group (with...
Albrektsson T., Canullo L., Cochran D., De Bruyn H.
Scientifica implantology - PERI-IMPLANTITIS
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2016 Aug;18(4):840-9. doi: 10.1111/cid.12427. Epub 2016 May 30
This publication is the concluding statement of the consensus meeting on peri-implantitis held in Rome from 8-10 January 2016.
Canullo L., Pesce P., Pailler N., Simonetti M., Rakic M., Jovanovic T.
Scientifica implantology - PERI-IMPLANTITIS
Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation, 1(1), 2015: 34-40
This study recruited 83 patients (40 with healthy implants and 43 with periimplantitis) to analyse the correlation between peri-implantitis...
Canullo L., Schlee M., Wagner W., Covani U.
Scientifica implantology - PERI-IMPLANTITIS
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 2015;30:1093-1104, doi: 10.11607/ jomi.4386
A group of experts met to discuss the current peri-implantitis situation and draft a position paper highlighting the various triggering...
Canullo L., Peñarrocha-Oltra D., Covani U., Orlato Rossetti P.H.
Scientifica implantology - PERI-IMPLANTITIS
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 2015;30:834-842, doi: 10.11607/ jomi.3947
122 healthy implants and 113 commercial implants infected with periimplantitis were observed in order to quantitative and qualitatively...
Canullo L., Tallarico M., Radavanovic S., Dekibasic B., Covani U., Rakic M.
Scientifica implantology - PERI-IMPLANTITIS
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2016 Oct;27(10):1243-1250. doi: 10.1111/clr.12738. Epub 2015 Nov 20
This retrospective study shows that the aetiology of peri-implantitis is traceable to three different factors: surgical complications,...
Gherlone E.F., Capparè P., Pasciuta R., Grusovin M.G., Mancini N., Burioni R.
Scientifica implantology - MICROLEAKAGE
New Microbiologica, 39, 2016:59-66, doi
This in vitro study investigated the bacterial microleakage of implantabutment connections in different types of implant connections. The...
Canullo L., Radavanovi S., Delibasic B., Blaya J.A., Peñarrocha D., Rakic M.
Scientifica implantology - IMPLANT SUCCESS AND SURVIVAL
Clinical Oral Implant Research, 00,2016;1-9, doi: 10.1111/clr.12828, early view on line, accepted 27 February 2016
Having analyzed 47 patients who were users of various commercial implants allocated to a Control Group (healthy) or a Test Group (with...
Canullo L., Tallarico M., Peñarrocha M., García B., Peñarrocha D.
Scientifica implantology - IMPLANT SUCCESS AND SURVIVAL
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 27 (Suppl. 13), 2016, EAO Paris
One implant was placed in 18 periodontally healthy patients, who were subsequently split into either the control group (abutment cleaned...