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Vela Nebot X., Pérez López J., Rodríguez Ciurana X.

Vela Nebot X.

Degree in Medicine from “Universitat de Barcelona” in 1989. Private practice in Barcelona, devoted exclusively to implantology and implants since 1992 at the Vela Clinic. As co-founder and member of the BORG center since 2005, he has contributed to numerous international articles and conferences on aesthetics and multidisciplinary oral rehabilitation, as well as into studies with the Universities of Barcelona, Madrid, Kyoto, Turin, New York and Murcia.

Pérez López J.

Technical Specialist in Dental Prosthesis at the School of Santa Apollonia, Santiago de Compostela. Laboratory Director Tecnica Dental Studio VP. Specialist in prosthetic implants and aesthetics. Registered in the Order of Professionals in Prostheses of Galicia Contributor in the Periodontics and Implant Masters Degree Program at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Santiago di Compostela, Internazional Oral Design Center, Galicia. Fellow for Association ITI (Internacional Team for Implantology). Author of articles in the fields of implantology and aesthestics.

Rodríguez Ciurana X.

Degree in Medicine from “Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona“ (UAB) in 1992. Specialist in Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery, sub-office of Vall d’Hebron, Independent University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2000. Doctor in Medicina and Surgery at the University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2005. Private practice at Cambra Clinic & Associates, Barcelona-Madrid, as of 2007. Associate Professor at the “Universidad Europea de Madrid” (UEM) since 2010. Research Department at the International University of Catalonia (UIC) since 2011. Secretary of the Catalano-Baleare Oral and Maxilofacial Surgical Association (SCBCOM) since 2010. As co-founder and member of the BORG center since 2005, he has participated in numerous international articles and reports on aesthetics and multidisciplinary oral rehabilitation, as well as in studies with the Universities of Barcelona, Madrid, Kyoto, Turin, New York and Murcia.

Numeri Uno 26: 4-7, 2017
The introduction into our day-to-day operation of XA posts for screwed and cemented prostheses has allowed us not only to stabilize tissues but also to promote their coronal migration over time.

Dr. Xavier Vela Nebot
Dr. Xavier Rodríguez Ciurana
Clinical Case
Female, aged 37 years, non-smoker, with regular oral hygiene performed, presented with a failure of the endodontic treatment previously performed at element 1.4.

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